A complimentary speedy blowdry comes with all colour services, if you are after something a little more fancy, we can book you in with one of the stylists at an extra charge.

If you are looking for a complete re-style or colour change then please come by first for a full consultation, and we can talk through your options with you before booking.

A SKIN TEST is required for all new clients for colour services this only takes a few minutes, so pop in up to 48 hours before your first appointment. We will not be able to carry out any colour services without a skin test. Please note that if you leave more than six months between appointments you will need to update your patch test before your appointment.

We require a Patch Test for all new clients for eyebrow/eyelash tinting and LVL lash lift, again this only takes a few minutes so pop in up to 24 hours before your appointment. We will not be able to carry out any eyebrow/eyelash tinting and LVL lash lift services without a skin test. Please note that if you leave more than six months between appointments you will need to update your patch test before your appointment.


If you wish to cancel your appointment we require a minimum of 24 hours notice as a courtesy to our staff and other clients. Late cancellations will be subject to the following fee of the total booking:

  • 24 hours: 30%

  • 8 hours/No show: 50%


Please try to arrive on time for your appointment so we can ensure you receive the full service, if you are running late, please let us know so we can try to accommodate you, anything over 15 minutes may result in a rescheduling.


Whilst we pride ourselves on being a baby friendly salon, but there are certain appointments that are difficult to perform to a high standard in the presence of a baby or small child. Some things to bare in mind before bringing your baby or child to your appointment. If you are having a cut and colour together, you could be in the salon for over three hours. During a Manicure the therapist requires you to sit very still. If you’re having a lash lift your eyes will need to remain closed for the entire appointment. Finally due to health and safety reasons, no children or babies are allowed into the waxing room. If your baby gets restless or upset, we won’t be able to stop the treatment as we work to strict time slots.


We pride ourselves on giving an outstanding service to all our clients and want all our clients to leave the salon feeling completely happy with the service they received. In the event that you do not feel completely satisfied with the service provided, we kindly ask you to email within 7 days to explain the issue. When emailing please try to provide imagery of the issue and any references photos that were shown at your appointment,